UW Narset sideboard guide

Picture of TSPJendrek


Table of Contents
Table of Contents

Hello, and welcome to my UW Narset sideboard guide! I’m in the process of writing a more general, primer-style article about the deck as well, and once I do so, and remember to link it, you will be able to find it here.

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My current list 

You can find a downloadable copy of the decklist here.

General sideboarding remarks

Truth be told, I’m not the biggest fan of card-for-card sideboard guides - you could even say that I actively dislike them. That’s mostly because I believe in teaching people how to fish rather than giving them one, as people like to say. That’s why I’m first giving you some more general advices on each card, and then a more detailed guide that should also be viewed more as a guideline than hard and fast set of rules - treat those in and out numbers more like advices which cards are good and which are bad and adjust accordingly, as well as read all the a...

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