Tag: Boros Convoke

Convoke is the best aggro deck in Standard. If you want to stay ahead of the metagame, check what Sodek has prepared for you!
Convoke is the best aggro deck in Standard. If you want to stay ahead of the metagame, check what Sodek has prepared for you!



Imodane’s Recruiter is a perfect addition to Boros Convoke! Sodek believes it’s one of the best aggro decks in the format. Ins, outs, pro tips included. Enjoy!
Imodane’s Recruiter is a perfect addition to Boros Convoke! Sodek believes it’s one of the best aggro decks in the format. Ins, outs, pro tips included. Enjoy!



Learn with Sodek how to sideboard like a pro with Boros Convoke! Ins, outs and notes about the top 15 Pioneer matchups!
Learn with Sodek how to sideboard like a pro with Boros Convoke! Ins, outs and notes about the top 15 Pioneer matchups!
Boros Convoke is a new hot aggro deck in the Pioneer metagame. If you want to know how to build and play this fresh archetype, check Sodek’s article!
Boros Convoke is a new hot aggro deck in the Pioneer metagame. If you want to know how to build and play this fresh archetype, check Sodek’s article!