Bant Living End sideboard guide

Picture of Sodek


Table of Contents
Table of Contents

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If you are new to this archetype, consider checking the primer. Everything is explained there - maindeck card choices, sideboard options, gameplay scenarios, how to play around the hate. Gathering the knowledge from these articles will let you better understand sideabording strategies.

My decklist:

You can find a downloadable copy of the decklist here.

Metagame update 

After the Violent Outburst ban, the metagame balanced out quite nicely. There are a bunch of decks capable of winning big tournaments and even more that are slightly below that level, but are still competitive. From the metagame perspective, the most important and impactful archetypes are: Zoo, Scam, Goryo’s Vengeance, Yawgmoth, Amulet, Creativity, and to some extent Coffers. So, as you can see, it’s quite hard to attack one particular archetype, because depending on the week, the top dog in the format w...

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