Tag: Hollow One



If you are new here, don’t forget to check our Discord Channel. It’s free for everyone! Introduction What is Hollow One? Hollow One is an aggro deck looking to abuse draw-discard spells, such as Faithless Looting and Burning Inquiry,
If you are new here, don’t forget to check our Discord Channel. It’s free for everyone! Introduction What is Hollow One? Hollow One is an aggro deck looking to abuse draw-discard spells, such as Faithless Looting and Burning Inquiry,
If you are new here, don’t forget to check our Discord Channel. It’s free for everyone! Introduction Hello, my name is Drake, better known as ChimmyNorbit on Magic Online. I’m a MODO grinder with my favorite format being Modern,
If you are new here, don’t forget to check our Discord Channel. It’s free for everyone! Introduction Hello, my name is Drake, better known as ChimmyNorbit on Magic Online. I’m a MODO grinder with my favorite format being Modern,