RB Scam sideboard guide – post Fury ban

Picture of Archaeus Dota

Archaeus Dota

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How should Scam adapt to the current format?

Since my last Scam article, Wizards has delivered us some interesting bans. Up the Beanstalk definitely needed to go in my opinion since it led to unfun and un-interactable gameplay in the form of a cheap enchantment and endless triggers combined with Fury and Solitude. Good ban. Fury is less clear - on one hand, something needed to be removed from Scam, since it was becoming nauseating just how popular and repetitive the games were becoming; on the other hand however, that still leaves the deck with Grief. Grief is what most people wanted to see banned and I understand why, even if I disagree with their sentiment. The deck is nerfed as a result of the Fury ban, however, i...

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