Living End primer and sideboard guide

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This is an update of the Living End primer and sideboard guide that was first posted in August 2024. You'll find more than just updated list for the deck after the Grief ban - I added a few sideboard options, three more matchups and updated matchup notes, so this article could be up-to-date. If you have any questions, I’m available on the Discord. 

What is Living End?
Living End is a combo deck that abuses the Cascade mechanic. The main game plan is to cast the namesake card with the help of three mana enablers in Shardless Agent or Ardent Plea. We break the symmetry of Living End by filling our graveyard with expensive creatures, usually by cycling them. Evoke elementals like Subtlety or Endurance also work well. On top of that, executing our gameplan usually disrupts the opponent, because they lose their board in the process. As a result, a resolved Living End creates both card...

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