Living End after MKM + updated sideboard plans

Picture of Sodek


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Table of Contents

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If you are new to this archetype, consider checking the primer. Everything is explained there - maindeck card choices, sideboard options, gameplay scenarios, how to play around the hate. Gathering the knowledge from these articles will let you better understand sideabording strategies.


My current decklist:

The newest set - Murders at Karlov Manor - significantly impacted most of the constructed formats. For Modern, the biggest change was the addition of surveil lands. Why are they so good? TSPJenrek described them perfectly in his article about UW Control, so I’ll just copy-paste the essence of his thought here:“For the price of a single tap land, you can have upwards of ten virtual Temples (that’s a reference to the Temple cycle from original Theros that scried on ETB), or rather that many ways to access the first copy, and with more copies you can get the extra ...

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