Jeskai Wizards Sideboard Guide and MH3 Modern Musings

Modern Horizons 3 is finally upon us, and it’s a tremendously exciting time to be a Modern enthusiast. For the past few months, the format has been in sort of a lull, lacking any high-profile tournaments, with its player base eagerly anticipating a shake-up that became synonymous with the arrival of the new Horizons set. Many have voiced their displeasure with the late MH2 Modern, citing Grief still being legal as their main gripe. However, ever since the new wave of cards poured into the format, those laments have been largely superseded with countless screenshots of new deck ideas and previously unseen boardstates. Granted, we’re still in the honeymoon phase, and some of that joyous exploration will have to make room for polishing decks to beat once the format becomes a bit more defined, but even with that in mind, Modern hasn’t looked that thrilling for months, if not years.
The minute MH3 hit digital shelves of Magic Online, I wasted no time getting to wo...

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