Goryo primer and sideboard guide

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This is an update of the Goryo primer and sideboard guide that was first posted in August 2024. You'll find more than just updated list for the deck after the Grief ban - I added a few sideboard options, three more matchups and updated matchup notes, so this article could be up-to-date. If you have any questions, I’m available on the Discord. 

What is Goryo?
Goryo’s Vengeance is a graveyard combo deck that uses its namesake card to reanimate powerful creatures such as Atraxa, Grand Unifier, Griselbrand or Ulamog, the Defiler, which has been seeing more play as of recently. Once these creatures are in play, you can make use of pitch spells such as Solitude and Force of Negation along with Ephemerate to further press your advantage by trading excess cards for board presence whilst attacking your opponent and gaining life. The rest of the deck is full of enabler and cheap interactio...

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