Bant Toxic primer and sideboard guide

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Toxic is an aggro deck that attacks the metagame by going under most of the currently played archetypes. Your goal is to get your opponent to ten poison counters, so your one mana creatures effectively have two power, on top of other abilities. This, combined with various cheap bounce spells, countermagic, and combo kills with Venerated Rotpriest and March of Swirling Mist makes it a great tempo deck that either doesn’t give the opponent a chance to react and can steal wins out of nowhere. In longer games, Skrelv’s Hive, Mirrex, and Charge of the Mites provide ways to get multiple bodies into play, so you rarely run out of creatures to pressure the opponent with.

The main Toxic’s strengths and weaknesses can be narrowed down to a few notes:

It's probably the best deck to punish control decks (Domain, UB, UW) and Temur ...

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