Bant Toxic for RC Dallas

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Before we start, some of you might wonder: why am I doing the update a week after I posted the original article? There are three main reasons. First of all, the expected metagame for RC Dallas will most likely be slightly different compared to the one from last weekend. The biggest difference is that before Naples (and other RCs that took place in Australia, Asia, etc., but to make it less wordy, I’ll refer to this weekend as ‘Naples’) Toxic wasn’t considered as popular as it turned out to be (from 0% at the Pro Tour to 7,25% in Naples). The format also proved that it’s very diverse and multiple decks can compete and win. Secondly, the diversity wasn’t shown only in the number of archetypes - we could observe major changes in the archetypes themselves. For instance, Esper or BG Midrange lists can differ from each other significantly ...

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