Boros Energy primer and sideboard guide

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Hey everyone! My name is Bora Sarıoğlu. I started playing the game with Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty and I have been participating in the Magic competitive scene for the past two years. In that time, I have achieved some strong results, including a Top 4 finish at the Regional Championship in Prague and a Top 16 finish at the Regional Championship in Naples. Additionally, I piloted Boros Energy to an 8-2 record on Pro Tour MH3, being one of the top performers in the tournament's constructed portion, and solidifying its competitive viability.

Boros Energy has been one of my signature decks, and I take pride in being one of its pioneers. In this guide, I will break down everything you need to know about the deck so you can confidently bring it to your next tournament and maximise your chances of success.

The history of Energy 
Pro Tour Modern Horizons 3 
This was the deck’s introduction to the...

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