Understanding Esper Ketramose (plus a sideboard guide)

As we are rapidly approaching the end of the Modern RC season, Spotlight Series in Utrecht next weekend and the ever-looming B&R announcement at the end of March, the format seems fairly settled. Breach is the (largely) undisputed best deck, WB is the new midrange hotness that people jump to, Energy is still holding its ground to some extent, even if its popularity somewhat waned as of late, and Eldrazi keep gatekeeping anybody who wants to go long without a solid plan against them. Where does it leave yours truly?
I recently realised that basically every deck I’ve played in the last few years has been following the same pattern of pairing Counterspell with a broken mythic - be it Ragavan, The One Ring or Phlage, any time I’ve seen any amount of success it was on the back of said combination. Seeing that Ketramose is the flavour of the month in this regard, it only made sense for me to try and incorporate it into an already reasonable Esper shell. Initially, I viewed Ketramo...

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